Accommodation - Suite


Hotel Polo in Presov also offers for its guests an accommodation in suite. Suite have a private bathroom, which is equipped with a toilet, luxurious bathtub, shower cabin and wash basin with a various toiletries. There are also two living rooms, which are furnished with a comfortable bed, bedside table, elegant sofa and big luxurious LCD TV with a lot of UPC satellite channels. The one of the components of the room is an air conditioning with self-regulation and also a telephone, by which our guests can use all available hotel services. For free of charge, there is for all visitors of the hotel available monitored parking and also a WIFI internet connection in whole hotel area. The price of the accommodation also included a buffet breakfast or breakfast "a la carte", depending on hotel occupancy. Check in from 14:00. Check out until 10:00





1 person   (2x bed + 0x extra bed)                                                                                                       102,20 €
2 persons (2x bed + 0x extra bed)                                                                                                        109,40 €
3 persons (2x bed + 1x extra bed)                                                                                                        126,60 €
4 persons (2x bed + 2x extra bed)                                                                                                        143,80 €
5 persons (2x bed + 3x extra bed)                                                                                                        161,00 €